Stob Coire Sgriodain

Loch Treig to Loch Ossian
DoBIH Number 356
Height Rank 174 of 282
Name Stob Coire Sgriodain
Meaning Peak of the corrie of the scree
County Highland
Scratch Region Loch Treig to Loch Ossian
SMC Region 04: Loch Linnhe to Loch Ericht
RHB/TACit Region 04B: Loch Treig to Loch Ericht
Summit Feature cairn
Height 979m / 3212ft
Drop 90m
Latitude / Longitude 56° 49′ 54″ N, 4° 41′ 42″ W
Grid Ref NN 35671 74372
OS Map (1:50k) 41
OS Map (1:25k) OL50 393
Subsidiary Tops Stob Coire Sgriodain South Top
Links Walkhighlands | OSMaps | MetOffice
Hills Shown: 2