Sgurr Mhic Choinnich

Skye and Mull
DoBIH Number 1248
Height Rank 217 of 282
Name Sgurr Mhic Choinnich
Meaning MacKenzie's peak (after John MacKenzie, Cuillin guide)
County Highland
Scratch Region Skye and Mull
SMC Region 17: The Islands
RHB/TACit Region 17B: Minginish and the Cuillin Hills
Summit Feature rock 6m from cairn
Height 948.1m / 3111ft
Drop 56m
Latitude / Longitude 57° 12′ 32″ N, 6° 13′ 27″ W
Grid Ref NG 45025 21032
OS Map (1:50k) 32
OS Map (1:25k) 411
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