Beinn Sgritheall

Knoydart and Loch Quoich
DoBIH Number 695
Height Rank 181 of 282
Name Beinn Sgritheall
Meaning Probably scree or gravel hill
County Highland
Scratch Region Knoydart and Loch Quoich
SMC Region 10: Loch Linnhe to Glen Shiel
RHB/TACit Region 10A: Glen Shiel to Loch Hourn and Loch Quoich
Summit Feature cairn by stone shelter
Observations trig point 5m S destroyed
Height 974m / 3196ft
Drop 500m
Latitude / Longitude 57° 09′ 14″ N, 5° 34′ 47″ W
Grid Ref NG 83591 12671
OS Map (1:50k) 33
OS Map (1:25k) 413S
Subsidiary Tops Beinn Sgritheall NW Top
Links Walkhighlands | OSMaps | MetOffice | MountainForecast
Hills Shown: 2