Meall na h-Eilde

Loch Lochy, Arkaig and Eil
DoBIH Number 764
Height Rank 110 of 222
Name Meall na h-Eilde
Meaning hill of the hinds
County Highland
Scratch Region Loch Lochy, Arkaig and Eil
SMC Region 10: Loch Linnhe to Glen Shiel
RHB/TACit Region 10C: Loch Arkaig to Glen Moriston
Summit Feature outcrop 0.5m N of cairn
Observations summit lies to E of fence line
Height 837.2m / 2747ft
Drop 450m
Latitude / Longitude 57° 00′ 25″ N, 4° 59′ 23″ W
Grid Ref NN 18552 94621
OS Map (1:50k) 34
OS Map (1:25k) 399 400
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